Prohibited Content

Prohibited Content

Inter Church Hub is a Christian platform. It should then be obvious that a certain moral code of conduct is expected from users who post content and events. Ideally, it should not have to be said that anything considered as blasphemous,  pornographic, sexually arousing, racist or considered as hate towards any group of peoples or person is not acceptable. But just to spell it out in black and white and for legal reasons, here are the things that are considered as prohibited content on this platform. 

Content of Sexual Nature

Please do not post any content or event that will be considered sexually explicit or inappropriate adult content. This includes but is not limited to:
Sexual Imagery or adult nudity.
Links to anything pornographic or sexually arousing. 
Sexual services or any links related to sexual solicitation, stripping services, escort services and sexual massages.

Child Safety and Protection 

Please do not post any content or event that endangers or puts minors at risk. This includes but is not limited to:
Posting anything that would be considered as sexual abuse or the exploitation of children under the age of 18. 
This includes imagery, video or sound or anything considered as child nudity with the purpose of sexual arousal. Any such violation will be taken very seriously and reported to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and other appropriate authorities as required by law.  

 Bullying and threats of Violence

Please do not post any content or event that endorses or promotes bullying or threats of violence to any person or people groups. This includes but is not limited to:
Bullying or threatening behaviour against other users of the platform either through any chat facility or pages where comments are made available to the public. If any such behaviour is reported, appropriate actions will be taken.
Content that encourages, instructs or is deemed to promote any type of self-harm such as eating disorders or suicide.  

Illegal Content and Activities 

Please do not post any content or event that is considered illegal or promotes Illegal activities. This includes but is not limited to:
Any type of pyramid schemes.
Illegal substances or unlicenced medication.
The use and acquisition of Illegal drugs and substances.
Any form of legal or Illegal gambling.
Direct or indirect assistance to the act of human trafficking. 
Unsubstantiated medical or scientific health advice that may detrimentally affect the health and wellbeing of attendees to your events or users of the platform.  
Content considered to be socially engineered with the explicit or implicit intent to coerce users to click on a link and be directed to an external website where they will encounter malicious links with malware, viruses, trojans or another malicious software. 
Do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other entity by what you post.

Misinformation of Christian Doctrine 

Please do not post any content or event that promotes, endorses or is considered to perpetuate misinformation about the Christian faith. Which includes but is not limited to:
Misinformation about the birth of Jesus Christ.
Misinformation about the life of Jesus Christ.
Misinformation about the death of Jesus Christ. 
Misinformation about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Misinformation about the ascension of Jesus Christ.
Misinformation about the return of Jesus Christ.
Misinformation about the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Doctrinal Integrity 

The Inter Church Hub is a none denominational Christian platform for Christian communities without bias towards any denomination or church. This is because we understand that people and churches have a different doctrinal stance on several subjects. However, where content is considered to perpetuate misinformation about the Christian faith. Which includes but is not limited to:
The identity of Jesus Christ.
The life and birth of Jesus Christ.
The death of Jesus Christ. 
The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The ascension of Jesus Christ.
The return of Jesus Christ.
We reserve the right to remove or delete any such content without prior notice or warning.


Please do not post any content or event that is a misrepresentation. This includes but is not limited to:
You or any entity you represent.
Falsely claiming an affiliation with a public figure, government official or any other entity. 
Falsely selling or re-selling unauthorized tickets for events that are not your own.
Falsely claiming to have authorization to use venues or location for an event.  

Unacceptable Business Schemes 

Please do not post any content or event that is considered as an unacceptable business practice or a scam. This includes but is not limited to:
Pay day loans
Get rich quick schemes
Fake credit repair services
Spamming or unsolicited advertising
Chain letters
Links to unsafe websites
Investment opportunities 
Surveys and any form of commercial solicitation 

User Privacy 

Please consider and think carefully about the information you request from users of Inter Church Hub. If an event organiser is asking for personal details that you believe is unnecessary. Please report this to our support team. 
Please do not post any content or event requesting information that is considered to be an invasion of privacy. This includes but is not limited to:
Using the Inter Church Hub Platform to collect users credit card details, bank details, social security details and any personal details that is not relevant for your event or cannot be collected through some other legitimate means. 
Asking users for unnecessary data that is not required or relevant for your event

Platform security and Integrity 

Please do not post any content or event that maybe considered as a breach of our terms of service. This includes but is not limited to:
Posts with links to malware, viruses, bots, spyware or any other malicious software that maybe used to gain access to Inter Church Hub. Or Hijack and disrupt Inter Church Hub operations and services including servers, software, hardware and equipment. 

Violation of our Content and Event Guidelines

Violation of our content and event guidelines may result in your content or event to be removed from the platform. We may remove all or part of your publication. And we may also suspend, review or restrict your account. Any violation that poses a legitimate risk to the safety of any minor, person or people group. Or deemed as a threat to cause physical harm will be reported to the appropriate authorities.    

This is not an exhaustive document of what we consider to be prohibited so from time to time we may update this document. By using our Platform, you agree that you are responsible to check this document frequently.