Support Team

Imagine a movement in your city where `The Table becomes the setting to gather together, pray and learn the ways of the kingdom.
We are delighted to welcome Ken Janke, Pastor and Co-Founder of The City Table. Ken was one of our 'Thrive Conference' keynote speakers in Aberdeen in 2019 and online in 2020.
He is visiting Scotland in June and we are delighted to host him and have him share the incredible impact of his ministry in his new home of Colorado, USA and across Europe.
Thrive Scotland is partnering with City Table to prepare a series of tables, across three cities in Scotland in the summer of 2023. (Aberdeen/Dundee/Edinburgh)
Ken brings together people around the concept of a table – “a place where relational and social capital can be brought together to leverage relational assets for the common good”.
He sees five key elements of an open table, one which is willing to embrace change and growth:
• Relationships
• Shared purpose
• Safe spaces
• Transformation and reconciliation
• Local determination and ownership
We are seeking to bring to the table people from the marketplace, churches and wider society to ask the questions:
• What is God saying to us about our dreams and the needs of our city?
• How can we see our companies, communities & cities thrive across Scotland?
Excited to hear more? Please register below.